
Nolite Conformari Huic Saeculo

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Welcome to Autumn

Autumn Has Arrived

Autumn in Missouri is off to a good start!  The weather has been typical of the Midwest roller coaster that's experienced every year.  The few crisp mornings we've had make me miss my time living near Chicago with all the lake fronts.  From looking at forecast models, it would seem that autumn has made a consistent appearence up north.  Here in Missouri the weather couldn't be more, as the locals say, "bipolar."  80s one day 60s the next.

Job Hunt & Work Woes

Since it's been made known to me that I'm likely stuck in my current position at work without any future considerations I've been looking around for other work.  So I've been giving my resume out and filling out job applications, and so far to no success.  Much of the time the feedback I've been receiving is that I'm just not experienced enough for this or that position.

Things on the job couldn't be more chaotic.  Unfortunately the schedule has been tossed around and I've been getting scheduled a lot of six day weeks!  This of course has been abandoning me adrift in stress and exhaustion.  After a six day stretch all I want is to be alone.  Without people.  Often after working 6 days I forget what day it is (thank God for Google!).

Baby's First Word!

Isabelle's first word is "hi."  As the days have gone by she has begun to build her vocabulary.  She's added "dad" to her words, and at least once has said "hi dad" when I've arrived home from work.  Some days I wonder what she'll say next.  Not long from now she will be crawling and so far has been working very well at developing her arm muscles and coordination to at least support herself.

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