
Nolite Conformari Huic Saeculo

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Dumped Twitter

Twitter Logo
Today I deactivated my Twitter.  I didn't think twice about it.  I'm sure anyone who followed me won't realize I'm gone.

About 6 months ago I deleted Twitter off my phone as an experiment: to see just how frequently I pay attention to tweets and post.  The result:  I don't care about, or use Twitter enough to justify having a username on there anymore.

Let me take a quick second to reminisce . . .

When I first joined Twitter in 2009 (or was it 2008..?) it was one of those fun social media outlets where you could find pictures of everything you regretted the night before.  It was the college students safe haven where every perversion and virtue was churned out mechanically for the world to see.  There was no shame or repercussions for tweeting a drunk selfie that in the morning you'd regret.  Hash tagging was fun too as a way to search topics.  More often than not Twitter wasn't a place for any honest or serious chat.  It was just a platform for college students to brag and advertise where and how drunk they were.  Honestly, despite all else it was a quicker distraction that at least for me didn't turn into a rabbit hole.

It's just not fun any more . . .

Anyone who's still around on Twitter, or has been on Twitter in the last 5 years, can tell you that it's a total drama fest.  Everyone is pissed off at everything, offended by everyone, and trying to have serious discussion in 240 characters.  God forbid if you deviate so much as a millimeter from someone else's political perspective or don't have a rainbow emoji in your Twitter profile!

The worst is anything connected to #CatholicTwitter.  Ugh!  Don't get me wrong, there are many good and decent Catholics on Twitter who are examples of charity and civil conversation, however there is the much more vocal and darker side of Catholic Twitter that is hand over fist a cesspool of eternal drama and narcissism.  I speak as one who has been blocked by most of Catholic Twitter (something which at first I thought was a badge of honor.  Yeah, turns out it's not.)  You have Catholics who literally make their Twitter "brand" to uncharitably insult everyone who isn't Catholic, but when asked a question to discuss their post they return ad hominem attacks and sequentially block them.  And don't forget many of these took an eight month long pause (unless Pope Francis said or did anything) to campaign for Trump to the point where it just became annoying.

The cesspool goes deeper still with sedevacantists parading around pretending to be Catholic, an infamous Jesuit and a Bishop creating confusion and division among Catholics, and a self acclaimed traditionalist publication with a vicious, personal vendetta against a community of Catholic Priests and a few other Catholic publications.  Yeah, it's pretty deep.

It's time for me to jump ship . . .

As much as I miss the days of drunk tweets and all the regrets that came with it, I don't think Twitter is going to return.  I think at this point (gee, thanks Trump and all those who encouraged his tweets by replying...) it's clear to say that Twitter has become and exists now to enable those famished for drama and who like missing the point and conflating what they read.  The drunk tweets and regrets have now become a bad hangover and everyone is searching for relief by ripping each other apart, because that is what happy, well adjusted, and mentally healthy people do.

Ciao, Twitter!

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Intuition is Good for the Brain

As someone with the Myers-Briggs (MBTI) personality type INTJ my dominate function is introverted intuition (hereafter Ni).  In MBTI typology intuition is a high level perception of patterns.  Simply put it is all about pattern recognition.  In fact it is not just that there are patterns, but there are patterns to the patterns.  Even the patterns to the patterns have patterns.

According to Personality Hacker, 25% (1/4) of the population uses some form of intuition.  Intuition comes in two forms - extroverted intuition (Ne) and introverted intuition (Ni).  These similar but different types of intuition are perceiving functions that are the pathways by which someone learns about the world around them.  For INTJs the perceiving function (Ni) is introverted, therefore external observations are plugged into the internal wiring and structure of the mind and is concerned with reconciling and  the patterns of the "outside" world with the model that exists in the mind.  These patterns are used to speculate about the future.

Those like myself who use intuition are interested in patterns.  Even the patterns have patterns.  There are patterns to patterns to patterns to patterns.  The simple observation of two people walking down the street holding coffee cups in the their hands to many casual onlookers might conjure up the idea that they are just two people walking down the street enjoying a cup of coffee.  This may well be the case, however to the intuitive its more than that.

The pair walking down the street likely came from the coffee shop on the corner.  If they are walking side by side not speaking to each other, they could be looking for a place to sit down.  If they are holding hands, perhaps they are on a date.  What are the expressions on their faces?  Maybe one is giving emotional support in the other's time of need.  Or maybe it turns out to be just one person.  What are they thinking about?

A friend and I sat outside of a Starbucks observing people.  As people walked by we would make up stories about them.  We speculated about where they were going after visiting and getting their coffee.  The fictional tales were mostly absurd, and I enjoyed a good laugh over some of the stuff we came up with, but were a good exercise in intuition.

When at its best intuition analyzes patterns and makes sense of where those patterns will eventually lead to.  It is a perceiving process that is not concerned with the goings on of the present moment, but with the future.  As its focus is entirely future oriented it uses real time and past data to assess what is going to happen.  This is sort of like a skeet shooter at a gun range.  In order to successfully shoot the clay target as it is moving through the air, the shooter must watch the target and aim ahead of the target.  This method is similar to the intuitive cognitive process analyzing the future.  Intuition users are naturally curious about what the future holds and are willing to forge into the unknown.

This process of seeing into the future makes those who use intuition difficult to understand.

Sometimes, the high level of pattern recognition is worrisome to others.  The 75% of people who are not intuitive (sensors) may view intuition users as odd, strange, hard to understand, and even arrogant at times.  We must understand that users of intuition are not the lofty, cognitive vagabonds that they often times appear to be.  The different wiring has given them a different set of gifts and skills that have their niches.

Often we may find those with intuition working in technology and various scientific disciplines.  They are likely book worms and some have attention spans that can enable them to discuss complex topics for many hours until every stone and pebble has been thoroughly examined.  Among the intuitive book worms are your INFPs, INTPs, INFJs, and INTJs.

Unfortunately intuition users can be seen as arrogant.  This could not be further from the truth!  It is much too simplistic, and unfair, to say that they are arrogant (although INTJs and INTPs have been known to be easily tempted into a superiority complex.)  Much more accurately intuitives who have developed and regularly tap into their intuition have also developed a healthy self esteem and confidence.  This should not be punished or misinterpreted as arrogance - as odd as it can be to see an intuitive in their "zone."  Instead we ought to value the insights and perspectives that intuitives bring to the table whether they are our coworkers, family members, or friends.

Here is the best part about intuition.  We all have it to a degree.

In MBTI it is easy to get stuck in the dichotomies of introvert vs extravert, intuitive vs sensing, thinking vs feeling, judging vs perceiving.  In order to have a healthy psyche we need to have both extraverted and introverted cognitive functions.  To be a complete introvert or a complete extravert would be for one to be a neurotic mess at best or a psychopath at worse.  So each person has perceiving functions (intuition and sension) and judging functions (thinking and feeling), and during late childhood into adolescence (my observation: age 12-18) these functions develop into their dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, and inferior positions.  INTJs lead with a dominant Ni, then have auxiliary Te (extraverted thinking), tertiary Fi (introverted feeling), and inferior Se (extraverted sensing).

Did you notice the pattern?  The cognitive functions for INTJ are Ni, Te, Fi, Se.  Note that what is introverted and extraverted seem to alternate to make sure the psyche is well balanced.  If you label dominant, auxiliary, tertiary, inferior positions as 1, 2, 3, 4 respectively you will notice that what is introverted in position 1 will be extraverted in position 2.  If your dominant function is extraverted, then position 1 will be extraverted and position 2 will be introverted.  The high level of pattern recognition of Ni is guided by the logical analysis of Te.  Te is a safeguard to make sure the INTJ is not completely stuck in their head (even if we just want to live in abstract land!)

There is much more that can and has already been written about intuition, but this will serve a primer to hopefully grow the seed of interest to take the plunge and discover not only more about intuition, but to learn about your own internal wiring.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Reader Questions #1

Shawn writes:
"you cofuse me. your blog supposed to be a intj so im guessing that personality stuff or something? but i see a lot of posts on here about being catholic. So k i got 2 questions, and sorry if i sound like a idiot to you cause your blogs go like way over my head most of the time. Are you engish.? why you all fan boy for the pope stuff? you know pope Francis talks about latin and all that holier than thou stuff is rigid and not the way to bring your jesus  homeboy to people?"
Hey Shawn, I'll start with the easiest question to answer: No, I'm not English.  Also, I'm sorry that I'm not always clear in the way I present things.  Sometimes I'm in a rush writing an entry and just assemble according to the order in my mind.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a complete disaster.   On the contrary there have been times where I have started writing a blog entry--only to throw it away.  (These of course are the thoughts that do not survive long enough become immortalized in digital format.)

On to your question about what this blog is supposed to be about.  Your comprehension of my blog isn't very far off from the intended point.  In brief, I took a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment years ago in school and according to that assessment I just happen to score as the personality type of INTJ (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging).  While my personality is not the complete 100% of who I am, it is part of the substance of my humanity.

On the topic of MBTI I suppose you are correct that I don't approach the topic very often in writing.  Related to that I am currently thinking about doing a series of how each of the cognitive functions for the INTJ personality type are experienced by me.  So thank you for bringing that to my attention.

To answer your final question, I encourage you to visit my On the Issues page where I address this question.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Second Promotion

I am happy to announce that for the past month I have been working in a different department.  As the title suggests I have been promoted.  Again.

It has been less than a year since I left my old job as an Optician and began working at an ISP in technical support.  Moreover the two promotions, first as a residential tier 2, and then to a business technical tier 1 analyst have both come as tremendous surprises (as well as new challenges).  Regardless, I transitioned well into the residential tier 2 position and so far as a business analyst I'm getting along with my team and building upon my knowledge base and skill set.

Mkay, so what exactly do I do?

Essentially I do the same thing I was doing for residential clients.  I trouble shoot reported issues and assist end users in solutions that resolve their problems.  But I also do so much more than I did when I was in the residential department.

With our business clients I give technical support for their phone systems, email, and general web hosting.  To say that each trouble ticket is more involved than I have previously worked with would be an understatement.

A simple issue of internet being reported as down also means that the phone systems that I support will likely also be effected.  The work that I do for a lot of trouble tickets usually involves more than just myself.  Since I am supporting everything from small businesses to medical facilities.  This means that every second counts.

I think this is the first company I've worked for where I can say with confidence that I love my job and I look forward to commuting to work every day.