
Nolite Conformari Huic Saeculo

Saturday, December 8, 2018

My Daughter Is Crawling Successfully

Took a few weeks of trying, but finally got a video of my beautiful baby girl crawling forward.  Typically, as infants learn to crawl they figure out how to move backwards before they move forward.  At seven months my daughter figured out how to crawl forward, and since then has wanted to do nothing less!

Every day I anticipate with excitement and joy what developmental milestones she will reach next.  Guess the next milestone will be walking and adding a few more words to her vocabulary.  In addition to "dad" and "hi" she's added "momma," "hungry," (very important!) and "hey."  Little by little she grows and it amazes me that we all start out with just a couple of words and working out how to move around.

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