"you cofuse me. your blog supposed to be a intj so im guessing that personality stuff or something? but i see a lot of posts on here about being catholic. So k i got 2 questions, and sorry if i sound like a idiot to you cause your blogs go like way over my head most of the time. Are you engish.? why you all fan boy for the pope stuff? you know pope Francis talks about latin and all that holier than thou stuff is rigid and not the way to bring your jesus homeboy to people?"Hey Shawn, I'll start with the easiest question to answer: No, I'm not English. Also, I'm sorry that I'm not always clear in the way I present things. Sometimes I'm in a rush writing an entry and just assemble according to the order in my mind. Sometimes it works, sometimes it's a complete disaster. On the contrary there have been times where I have started writing a blog entry--only to throw it away. (These of course are the thoughts that do not survive long enough become immortalized in digital format.)
On to your question about what this blog is supposed to be about. Your comprehension of my blog isn't very far off from the intended point. In brief, I took a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment years ago in school and according to that assessment I just happen to score as the personality type of INTJ (Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking, Judging). While my personality is not the complete 100% of who I am, it is part of the substance of my humanity.
On the topic of MBTI I suppose you are correct that I don't approach the topic very often in writing. Related to that I am currently thinking about doing a series of how each of the cognitive functions for the INTJ personality type are experienced by me. So thank you for bringing that to my attention.
To answer your final question, I encourage you to visit my On the Issues page where I address this question.