So what am I doing exactly? Well I do technical support. Essentially I'm the guy who fixes your internet when you call in saying that your internet is slow or down. (Occasionally I help out the customer service representatives by taking payments from customers too, but that's not exactly exciting.) The exciting part of every day is helping people get their internet up and running. This involves listening to the problem being described by the customer and then diagnosing the root of the problem by running tests and assembling stats on what's happening. Sometimes I do have to escalate some issues to be handled by another department, but that's in extreme cases.
It's not always busy at the office which has a geeky ambiance that I enjoy. It has all the markings of my dream job. Alright, alright so what don't I like about the job? Well, to be honest there's nothing I like less than any other part. I mean, it's work. However, the people I work with really have a sincere focus on team work and an emphasis on supporting each other. It's also an environment where everyone is highly encouraged to learn something new every day regardless of whether or not you're in technical support or accounting. It's just an all around great place to work!
Given that one of my goals is to get in to IT or programming, this is a great first step. The best part is that I can already see that my simple entry level position is not the end of the line for me. There's room to move up. And you know what else? I'm encouraged to move up if I want to. This is a company where if you're good and what you do, then results will usually follow.
It's really a great opportunity to expand upon my skill set. And the absolute best part is that I have a regular schedule. That makes all the difference. I think the sacrifice I made taking a pay cut to accept this position has opened a door to me, and I'm happy I walked through.
However, I'm not naive. I know there are going to be tough days. I know there are going to be days I wish I hadn't shown up to work. There are going to be days where things are overwhelming, and maybe things just aren't working right and tickets get back logged. This isn't any different from any other job. The difference is that in this job I think I'm going to have a good experience during the tough times because I know I have the support of my coworkers and supervisor who want to see me be my best.