So many of you have wondered what exactly goes on during formation. Do I just sit around and pray in the Church? Do I get up early? Do they feed me? What is there to do for fun? And so here I finally write what it is to live a "typical" day in the life of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest.
6:30 am: Rise (I'm usually up between 5:30/6:00)
7:00 am: Lauds (Morning Prayer)
7:30 am: Rosary and other Marian devotions/ Confession available
8:00 am: Low Mass
9:15 am: Breakfast
10:00 am: Spiritual Conference (Mondays), Gregorian Chant (Tuesdays), classes (other days)
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10:00 am Sunday: High Mass
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11:00 am: Chores (when classes or other things are not scheduled)
1:00 pm: Lunch!
1:30 pm: Free time
2:30 pm: Chores or study
4:00 pm: Free time
5:00 pm: Adoration and Benediction
6:15 pm: Vespers (Evening Prayer)
6:45 pm: Free time
7:45 pm: Dinner
10:00 pm: Silence
10:30 pm: Lights out
It's a pretty rigorous schedule. We learn from St. Benedict who advises us to bear in mind "ora et labora," or "pray and work." My main house chore is cleaning and maintaining the kitchen which involves running to the store every now and again for food.